Shane Vander Hart discusses who were the winners and losers of the 2016 Iowa Caucuses that saw Ted Cruz win the first victory on the road to the nomination.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) leads Donald Trump in Iowa by five points according to one poll, and then trails the real estate magnate by 13 in another.
Ted Cruz Sees Largest Gain in Latest Iowa Caucus Poll
Ted Cruz sees the largest gain in the latest Public Policy Poll of Iowa Republicans. Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Chris Christie also gain.
Jeb Bush, John Kasich Receive Failing Grade on Common Core
Jeb Bush and John Kasich receive an F on a Common Core score card released by ThePulse2016, American Principles in Action, and Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cruz, Walker and Fiorina Stand Out at Iowa Caucus Kickoff
Senator Ted Cruz, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Carly Fiorina stood out among a first class line-up of speakers at the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines.
Jeb Bush Won’t Sway Iowa Conservatives By Avoiding Them
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has made his first error in his soon-to-be presidential campaign by skipping out on the Iowa Freedom Summit this month.