Bobby Jindal Jabs at Establishment Republicans

In a packed room in Waukee, Iowa, Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) pointed to problems with establishment Republicans acquiescing on principles.

Supreme Court Decision on Marriage is a Blow Against Liberty

The ruling by the Court in favor of same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges in is in reality a blow against liberty, not for it as the majority claims.

SCOTUS Ruling a Big Win for Religious Liberty

The Supreme Court this morning ruled 5-4 in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby…

Robert P. George Sworn In as Chair of the USCIRF

Robert P. George was sworn in this afternoon by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts as the new chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Silver Linings

It would be easy to be dismayed by what happened in 2012, but conservatives can and should see some silver linings as 2012 comes to a close.

See Roberts Run

Not since 1973 and Roe Vs. Wade has a Supreme Court decision…

SCOTUS: Dissenting Opinion Wins, Majority Opinion Fails, In My Opinion


15 Reasons Why the Obamacare Decision Is a Mind Blowing Disaster for America

You can almost always count on the Supreme Court to do the…

Is John Roberts an “Evil Genius”? The Silver Lining of the Health Care Reform Ruling

Yes I’m disappointed in the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Patient Patient…

SCOTUS Upholds Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Updated)

The Supreme Court of the United States decided 5-4 to uphold the…

Supreme Court Recognizes Ministerial Exceptions in Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit

Yesterday’s 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court should be great news for…

*Shocker of the Week* Senate Confirms Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court was confirmed by the Senate…

Reid v. Roberts

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid evidently has buyers’ regret.  He says that…