Pro-Life Leaders Call for End of Taxpayer-Funded Research with Aborted Baby Parts

48 pro-life leaders urged HHS Secretary Alex Azar to end the governmentā€™s use of aborted fetal tissue for research and turn to ethical alternatives.

Pro-Lifers Respond to Supreme Court’s NIFLA v. Becerra Decision

Pro-life leaders celebrated the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in NIFLA v. Becerra protecting crisis pregnancy centers from California’s forced speech law.

Democrats Defeat Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Republicans supportive of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act failed to break the Democrat filibuster of S. 2311 when the cloture vote failed on a 51 to 46 vote on Monday afternoon.

HHS Launches New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the Department’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

Congress Warned Not to Pass Obamacare Prop-Up Bill Without Hyde Amendment

A group of 67 national and state pro-life groups in a letter to Congress warned them to not pass an Obamacare prop-up bill without Hyde Amendment language.

House Republicans Restore the Adoption Tax Credit

House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and Republican House leadership restored the adoption tax credit in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

Trump Administration Takes Steps to Protect Religious Liberty

The Trump Administration took steps to protect religious liberty through conscience protection from the HHS contraceptives mandate and new DOJ guidance.

GOP Senators Pitch Plan to Blockgrant Obamacare Funds to States

A new GOP billĀ repeals the structure of Obamacare and replaces it with an annual block grant given to states to help individuals pay for health care.

National Pro-Life Leaders Warn Republicans on Planned Parenthood Funding

Ten national pro-life leaders to Congressional Republicans: It is well past time to keep your campaign promise to defund Planned Parenthood.

Trump Reinstates Policy Banning Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Abroad

President Donald Trump reinstates and modernized the Mexico City Policy which prevents taxpayer funding of foreign NGOs that perform or promote abortion.

NARAL, Planned Parenthood’s Makeover

NARAL and Planned Parenthood look to give themselves “makeovers” in order to soften the truth about their pro-death agenda which young people are rejecting.

Pro-Life Groups Launch Campaign

Pro-life groups launch the Campaign to urge Congress to pass include language to protect religious liberty in any funding resolutions.

I Am Overwhelmed–40 Years of Legal Abortion

After 40 years of legal abortion we are seeing a youth generation emerge that is more pro-life than that of their parents.