Tom Latham: Job One is Jobs, Economy and Debt

Congressman Tom Latham in a recent interview with Caffeinated Thoughts editor, Shane Vander Hart, said if reelected his first priorty would be to address jobs, the economy and our national debt.

Quick Takes: Obama-Romney Debate Round 2

The Obama-Romney Debate Round 2 in Hempstead, NY was more evenly matched than last time, but likely won’t result in much poll movement.

Vice Presidential Debate Quick Thoughts

In an pretty even Vice Presidential debate Congressman Paul Ryan showed both great substance and poise in his match up with Vice President Joe Biden.

Quote of the Day: Ben Stein on Jay Carney’s Spin of Mid-East violence

“Incredibly, Jay Carney, White House spokesman, isĀ spinning a complete fairy tale that…

Video: American Diplomat Died at U.S. Consulate in Benghazi

A U.S. official has died at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya after it was set onfire following Muslim unrest.

Further Proof That Herman Cain Is Not Qualified

Georgia Businessman Herman Cain continues to demonstrate that he is simply not…

John Bolton in Des Moines Swats President Obama’s Middle East Policy as “Chaotic.”

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton spoke at Congressman Steve Kingā€™s Conservative Principles…

Ron Paul’s Legislation This Week: Home School Tax Cut, Repeal Obama Care, End The Fed, End the IRS, No War with Libya

A few months back we held our annual Caffeinated Conservative award. Ā When…

Ron Paul is Right on Libya; Rest of GOP Field Dead Wrong! (Updated)

Two days ago I wrote a blog entry entitled How Close are…

How Close are We to War with Libya: Will a No Fly Zone Result in Nation Building? (Updated)

Following the relatively peaceful uprisings resulting in regime change in Tunisia and…

Canadian thoughts on Col. Gaddafi

Rev. D. Douglas Gebbie, a pastor with the Presbyterian Reformed Church in…