Farris: Ten Principles for Evaluating Candidates, Officials, and Policies

Michael Farris shares ten straightforward principles that citizens can use to guide their evaluation of candidates, officials, and their policy proposals.

Episode 82: Trumpā€™s Mexico Tariff Threat, Mueller Statement & Walt Rogers

Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast host Shane Vander Hart discusses President Trump’s Mexico tariff threat, Robert Mueller’s statement, and speaks with Walt Rogers.

Two Letters That Can Change A Country’s Mindset

Kelvey Vander Hart: We need to regain our perspective of the individual states of America.

Conservative Principles of Public Policy

John Hendrickson: When evaluating public policy conservatives need to consider fundamental principles that will preserve and defend limited government and economic liberty.

A Republic, If You Can Keep It: A Defense of the Electoral College

John Hendrickson: The Electoral College is fundamental to our constitutional system of limited government, federalism, equal representation, and separation of powers.Ā 

An Old-Fashioned American: The Political Values of Calvin Coolidge

John Hendrickson: James M. Beckā€™s description of Calvin Coolidge as an ā€œold-fashionedā€ American was fitting because it reflected Coolidgeā€™s political philosophy.

Some Historic Principles for Iowa Policymakers to Follow

John Hendrickson: Governor Theodore Christianson, a champion of limited government in Minnesota, is an example for state policy leaders across the nation.

Conservatives Should Be the First to Hold Police Accountable

Kelvey Vander Hart: Conservatives should be the first to hold police accountable, not the last.

Limited Government Policies Lead to Economic Growth

John Hendrickson: States following limited-government policies, such as North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Texas, are leading the way in terms of economic growth.

Kim Reynolds Has Brought Value to the Role of Lieutenant Governor

The Des Moines Register called for an end to the office of Lieutenant Governor held by Kim Reynolds, but were silent with her liberal predecessors.

Iowa Legislature is Set to Increase the Budget

Jason Schultz: Growth in spending in the good years can lead to problems in the tighter years. The Iowa Legislature is set to increase our budget for FY17.

Freedom Watch: Passing the Convention of the States Resolution

Our Founding Fathers wisely placed methods in our Constitution by which states could place restraint on federal power which has been used irresponsibly.

5 Things U.S. Conservatives Need to Know About the European Union

What conservatives ought to seek for nations in the European Union is what America’s Founding Fathers sought – the right to govern itself.

Rand Paul at CPAC 2013

Prospective 2016 Presidential candidate, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke at CPAC 2013, full transcript and video available.

Uniting a Fractured Republican Party

There is an ongoing civil war within the Republican Party. How does one bring social conservatives, moderates, and libertarians together?

Milton Friedman and the Power of Ideas

By John Hendrickson The Wall Street Journal declared that 2011 was ā€œthe…