Medicare for All—No Care for You

Democrat presidential candidates are sparring over how much to expand Medicare. Who will it cover and what benefits could it realistically provide?

Thought Police (Oops, Medicare) For All

Dr. Marilyn Singleton: We must not let the government bury our conscience and beliefs under layers of bureaucracy. Medicare for All may mean independent thought for none.

Jumping Into Medicare For All With Eyes Wide Shut

Marilyn Singleton: Medicare for All could be one of those concepts that “seemed like a good idea at the time” – just like diving head first off a cliff into an inviting but shallow pool of water.

Expanded and Improved Medicare for All: Beware of Greeks Bearing Broccoli

Dr. Marilyn Singleton: Not only will the Medicare benefits decrease as the money runs out, patients will see real world consequences of total control.

Socialism, Corporatism, and Destruction of Patient-Centered Medical Care

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet: Neither socialism or corporatism is about serving individual patients. The collective or the corporation comes first.

Mission Possible: Saving Freedom in Medical Care

Dr. Marilyn Singleton: Independent medical practices will lead the way to achieve great affordable medical care through competition and consumer choice.

“Medicare For All” Would Increase Fed Spending by $32.6 Trillion in First 10 Years

A Mercatus Center report says U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) Medicare For All Act would add “an unprecedented strain on the federal budget.”