Is Your News Hurting Your Mental Health?

Dr. Arturo Osorio: While it is understandable to keep up with the latest health information, excessive news consumption can lead to stress.

Evaluating Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ First Condition of the State Address

Shane Vander Hart evaluated Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ first Condition of the State Address and looked to see how she would separate herself from former Governor Terry Branstad.

Video & Transcript: Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ 2018 Condition of the State

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds focused on water quality, tax reform, ending sexual harassment, investing in small-town Iowa, Medicaid, mental health, opioid addiction, education spending, and career readiness as she laid out her agenda for the 2018 legislative session.

Joni Ernst Gives First Speech on Senate Floor

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) introduced her first piece of legislation, the Prioritizing Veterans’ Access to Mental Health Care Act, on the Senate floor.

The Sinclair Report: Common Sense Legislation to Protect Privacy

Amy Sinclair: Common sense bills need to be passed to protect our privacy when we are at home and other places we believe are safe from prying eyes.

Counter Argument to Spanking Linked to Mental Illness

Misleading. The American Academy of Pediatrics shared its findings in a July