The Smooth Talking False Gospel

Michael Horton in the third chapter of Christless Christianity sets his sights on the Word of Faith movement, in particular Joel Osteen.

Confusing Law and Gospel

Shane Vander Hart: We canā€™t ā€˜liveā€™ the gospel. We canā€™t ā€˜doā€™ the Gospel. We canā€™t ā€˜beā€™ the Gospel. But we can believe it and share it.

Our Natural Heresy

Shane Vander Hart: Michael Horton said Pelagianism is the ā€˜default settingā€™ of the human heart and semi-Pelagianism has infiltrated many American churches.

Calvinist Explores An Old Theology Overtaking Young Christians

Calvinist, a soon-to-be released documentary by Les Lanphere is about a new generation discovering the rich theology brought to us by the Reformation.

We Are Saved By Works

Does the blog post title grab your attention?  There are many peopleā€¦

Conflicting Kingdoms

The Apostle Paul paints a picture of a Christian being somebody whoā€¦

The Benefit of Boredom

I remember when I was growing up in a little town outsideā€¦

The Great Commission Is Not The Great Cultural Mandate

This isnā€™t to say that you shouldnā€™t find your ā€œbackyard missionā€ andā€¦

Saved from What?

Michael Horton in The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Good News People in aā€¦

The Drama Is Not Dull

Why is it that in search of being ā€œrelevant,ā€ the church hasā€¦

Preparing for Life by Being Prepared for Death

A few days ago I read in The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Goodā€¦

At the Heart of Christianity is Good News

What is at the heart of Christianity?  It isnā€™t moralistic teaching.  Itā€¦

Come As You Areā€¦

I was listening to a White Horse Inn podcast episode hosted byā€¦

The Gospel Driven Life

Looking forward to reading Michael Hortonā€™s new book The Gospel-Driven Life: Beingā€¦

The State of Reformation Churches Part 1

In the mid 90ā€™s as a new generation of Christians was investigatingā€¦

What Is The Purpose of the Church?

Why does the church exist.  Ask that to twenty different people andā€¦