Mitch Daniels Supports Obama’s Education Takeover

Indiana’s Gov. Mitch Daniels went to Washington last week to give an…

Mitch Daniels Jumps The Shark on Education

Just when the Indiana Legislature gives Governor Mitch Daniels (R-IN) a gift…

Emmett McGroarty in Townhall: Education Revolution… Without the People?

Emmett McGroarty, one of our contributors, and the Preserve Innocence Executive Director…

Keep Duncan Out of State Education

Here is an op/ed at Politico co-authored by Joe Mack, who is…

Thomas Jefferson Argued for Local and Parental Control of Education

The call for local control of education and for parental control is…

Rick Santorum: Get Rid of the “Factory Model of Education”

Last week I had the opportunity to interview Rick Santorum for Caffeinated…

Where Iowa Education Chief Jason Glass is Wrong About Race to the Top and Iowa Core Curriculum

On Tuesday I wrote about Iowa Governor Terry Branstadā€™s newly appointed (yet…