The Critical First Years of the Parent-Child Relationship

Erica Komisar: “Family is something that is undervalued. We give it a lot of lip service is this culture…, but we really don’t put our money where our mouth is.”

Utah Passes a Common Sense Parenting Bill

Shane Vander Hart: Utah added to their state’s definition of neglect that parents allowing their children to be self-sufficient is not to be considered neglect by overzealous caseworkers and police.

Pediatricians: SCOTUS Ruling on Marriage Marks Tragic Day for Children

The American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s ruling favoring same-sex marriage did not best reflect the needs of children.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio – 8-2-14

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk to Bob Eschilman about his EEOC complaint against Shaw Media and syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin comes on.

Safer Internet Day

February 5 was Safer Internet Day, the 10th one to be exact. Safer…

Time to Accept Responsibility

It is easy to complain about what the “other side” is doing or not doing. It is harder to accept the responsibility ourselves and work to find the solution.

Four Action Steps to Help Prevent Bullying

I’ve written about how it is inappropriate to link suicide with bullying…

Trained in the Fear of God––a book review

This book comes at a timely moment for me, as pastor of…

Thomas Paine Exhorts Parents

Our kids need us to stand up for their future. If we don’t do it, who will?

Love = Vulnerability

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your…

Sticks and Stones and Cyberbullying

The phrase Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is a nice idea, but what a ridiculous statement. I remember singing that like a nursery rhyme while bullies teased me and my brother on our way to school. But, the statement wasn’t true then, and it isn’t true now. Words can hurt. I still toss and turn over menacing words. They stick, they bury themselves inside of us, and they bring death of one sort or another.

Where Christian Liberty is Concerned in Parenting

Now that I am an adult, I see clearly the wisdom my…

You can do ANYTHING!

Your 2nd grade teacher lied to you. The moment you heard, “you…