Ben Sasse Calls on Justice Department to Investigate Pornhub
U.S. Senator Ben Sasse, R-Neb., requested an investigation into Pornhub for its involvement streaming videos of raped and exploited women and children.
Iowa House Bill Allowing Civil Action for Minors Accessing Porn Tabled
An Iowa House subcommittee tabled a bill, HF 2239, that opened online distributors of pornography to civil action if they knowingly allow access to minors.
The ‘Great Conservative Porn War’ Overshadowed Reasonable Proposals
Shane Vander Hart: The extremes in a debate crowd out reasonable proposals where common ground can be found, the fight over pornography is no exception.
Campaign Launch Connects Dots Between Porn And Human Trafficking
Kelvey Vander Hart: The #StopTheDemand campaign launched by Fight the New Drug capitalizes on connecting the dots between porn use and a greater demand for trafficked human beings (in a more clear description, SLAVES).