Christā€™s Supreme Achievement on the Cross

ā€œIn this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loves us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins,ā€ (1 John 4:10, ESV).

Christ Our Advocate, The Propitiation For Our Sin

No other advocate will do as Puritan theologian John Owen (1616-1683) remindsā€¦

John H. Gerstner: Mercy and Justice Kiss in The Gospel

John H. Gerstner (1914-1996) was professor of Church History at Pittsburgh Theologicalā€¦

The Righteousness of God Through Faith (Romans 3:21-31)

21 But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart fromā€¦

Preparing for Life by Being Prepared for Death

A few days ago I read in The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Goodā€¦

A Christ Without a Cross is Not Good News

This week Iā€™m preparing for a sermon that looks at Jesus asā€¦

ā€œIt Is Finishedā€

The sixth of the seven last words of Christ. When Jesus hadā€¦

Atonement Has To Be Limited

Eric wrote about the problem of free will, and that as weā€¦