Seven Ways Christians Should Respond to Persecution

Shane Vander Hart: Jesus promised that the world will hate His followers so Christians should not be surprised when it happens and respond accordingly as we experience it.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Apostasy and Mainline Christians

Brian Myers: It took generations for the apostasy of mainline Christian denominations to wreck the spiritual foundation of the culture, but it is complete.

If My People Part 6: His Promise

We are called to be the salt and light of the world and to speak the truth with love standing strong and confident on the foundation of God’s truth.

Charles Spurgeon: Saltiness and Light Are The Power of Christians

Charles Spurgeon would reject the notion that our faith is private and not public. We were meant to be salt and light in the public square.

We Are Citizens and Ambassadors

What does it mean for Christians to be good citizens? Jesus gives…

Christian Rhetoric and Engagement in “Culture Wars”

Personally I hate the term “culture wars;”  I’m not at war with…