Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk with Dick & Betty Odgaard after the ordeal they went through denying a same-sex wedding at Gortz Haus in Grimes, IA.
David Axelrod wrote in his new book President Obama said he wasn’t good at “bullshitting” on marriage back in 2008. He’s much better at it than he lets on.
ACLU Lawyers Want Taxpayers to Pay for Same-Sex Marriage Lawsuit
Lawyers who successfully fought to overturn Wisconsin’s constitutional definition of marriage asked a federal court to recoup $1.25 million in legal costs.
Now that there are conflicting federal court decisions on state laws defining marriage this could compel the Supreme Court to finally rule on the issue.
“Marriage is the fundamental unit of the political order”
U.S. District Judge Juan Pérez-Giménez handed down a ruling in a case upholding Puerto Rico’s law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
The marriage rate has dropped significantly since 1960 new Census data shows and there are a number of reasons why young adults are putting off marriage.
SCOTUS Paves Way for Same-Sex Marriage in 5 States, Possibly 11
The Supreme Court declined review of 7 petitions of rulings overturning marriage laws in 5 states that may pave the way for same-sex marriage in 11 states.
Shane Vander Hart & Brian Myers talk to Robert Cramer, Republican candidate in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District Race, and discuss recent polls on marriage.