Gingrich: Deport All Muslims Who Believe in Sharia Law

Newt Gingrich says we should test every Muslim in the United States and deport them if they believe in Sharia law which would be blatantly unconstitutional.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Islam and the West

Brian Myers: Islam has proved in Sweden and elsewhere that it can simply over-run Western culture if there is no vibrant Christianity to stop it.

Islam, Statism, and the West

Writing in his blog, R.C. Sproul tells the story of a conversation…

Pat Robertson Needs to Step Down From 700 Club and Public Speaking

After today’s comments and past history Pat Robertson, for the sake of the Gospel, should retire from public life.

Cair is Shocked! Shocked! FBI Visits Some Muslims Who Travel to Somalia

The same week Somali Pirates killed Christian’s bearing Bibles, The Council on…

UN Anti-Blasphemy Resolution

Hmm… I’m not saying this would be accepted in the U.S., but…