New Ad: Ernst Highlights Record on Mental Health Support for Farmers

During Suicide Awareness Month, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, released a new ad with Iowan Jill Vrieze, whose brother, a farmer, took his own life.

Doctor Prescribed Suicide Bill Filed By Iowa House Democrats

Eight Iowa House Democrats filed HF 65 entitled the “Iowa Death with Dignity Act.” Prolife activists have another term for it – doctor prescribed suicide.

Will We Choose Life or Death? Despair or Hope?

Robin Williams in the height of his despair chose his own physical death. We all have the choice of life or death, despair or hope before us today.

Sticks and Stones and Cyberbullying

The phrase Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is a nice idea, but what a ridiculous statement. I remember singing that like a nursery rhyme while bullies teased me and my brother on our way to school. But, the statement wasn’t true then, and it isn’t true now. Words can hurt. I still toss and turn over menacing words. They stick, they bury themselves inside of us, and they bring death of one sort or another.

Taking Care of Our Vets

My jaw dropped when I read this story this morning waiting for…