Bobby Jindal Discusses Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage (Video)

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal discussed the Supreme Court decision on marriage Friday morning outside the Machine Shed Restaurant in Urbandale, Iowa.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 6-27-15

Shane Vander Hart talks to Dr. Ben Carson about his campaign and Tom Hudson of CrossRoads Shooting Sports discusses his store and the 2nd Amendment.

And So It Begins: A Newspaper Restricts Same Sex Marriage Opposition

The Patriot News/PennLive announced that they are restricting letters and op/eds in opposition to same-sex marriage due to the Supreme Court ruling.

Reaction Round-up: Supreme Court’s Marriage Decision

Here is a round-up of reactions from different candidates, groups and activists about the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of same sex marriage.

Reaction Over Supreme Court’s Ruling Preserving Obamacare

The Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Obama Adminstration in King v. Burwell preserving Obamacare elicited strong reaction from candidates and activists.

John Kasich Touts Record, Pragmatic Approach in Iowa

Ohio Governor John Kasich advocated a pragmatic approach to governance that solves problems during a speech given on Wednesday in Des Moines, Iowa.

What Candidates Should Say If Supreme Court Approves Gay Marriage

Social conservative insiders were asked how GOP presidential candidates should react to the Supreme Court’s anticipated ruling on gay marriage.

Mike Huckabee on the Supreme Court, But What About Bush v. Gore?

When Mike Huckabee states that the Supreme Court has no authority to make laws he is reiterating something that is taught in almost every school.

Carly Fiorina Would Not Support Reversing SCOTUS Marriage Decision

Carly Fiorina said she would not support any amendment to reverse Supreme Court’s decision on marriage, but she believes religious liberty must be protected.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 5-9-15

Shane Vander Hart and Jenifer Bowen talk with Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate and Chelsen Vicari from the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

Mike Huckabee and the False god of Judicial Supremacy

Former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR) rightly points out that far too many politicians are practicing political idolatry by bowing to the judicial branch.

Steve King Introduces “Restrain the Judges on Marriage Act”

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) introduced a bill yesterday in the U.S. House that strips federal courts of jurisdiction to hear cases related to marriage.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 3-14-15

Carly Fiorina discusses her prospective presidential bid with Shane Vander Hart. Brian Myers and Shane talk about Shane’s interview with Bobby Jindal.

SCOTUS Paves Way for Same-Sex Marriage in 5 States, Possibly 11

The Supreme Court declined review of 7 petitions of rulings overturning marriage laws in 5 states that may pave the way for same-sex marriage in 11 states.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio – 7-12-14

The guys talk to Drew Klein with AFP Iowa, Bob Vander Plaats with The FAMiLY Leader and former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave with Susan B. Anthony List.

Hobby Lobby Wins, But The Culture May Still Be Lost

I am becoming increasingly convinced that the fight for our culture is…