Cruz, Walker and Fiorina Stand Out at Iowa Caucus Kickoff

Senator Ted Cruz, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Carly Fiorina stood out among a first class line-up of speakers at the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines.

Bullying Is Not a Problem in Need of a Government Solution

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad has made fighting bullying one of his top priorities, but will the HSB 39 cause more problems than it solves?

The Sinclair Report (Week 2)

State Senator Amy Sinclair (R-Allerton) provides a recap of the second week of the Iowa Senate during the 2015 session of the 86th Iowa General Assembly.

Iowa Legislators Push to End School Start Date Limitation

A bipartisan sponsored bill, House File 13, was introduced in the Iowa House that would eliminate the limitation on when schools could start school.

Terry Branstad’s 6th Inaugural Address

Below are is the transcript of Iowa Governor Terry Branstad’s inaugural address…

The Sinclair Report: Week One in the Iowa Senate

State Senator Amy Sinclair (R-Allerton) provides a snapshot of week one in the Iowa Senate and the priorities she will be working on for her constituents.

GOP Offers Mixed Reaction to Branstad’s Condition of the State

Republican state legislators and party officials offered a mixed reaction to Iowa Governor Terry Branstad’s 2015 Condition of the State address.

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad’s 2015 Condition of the State Address

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad delivers the 2015 Condition of the State address, you can read the transcript of his address as prepared for delivery.

Ted Cruz Courts Liberty Movement in Iowa

Tea Party champion and conservative firebrand Ted Cruz may be ready to embrace his libertarian side to find a path from Iowa to the White House.

2014 in Review: Our Top Stories and Highlights

Shane Vander looks at some of Caffeinated Thoughts top stories and recaps monthly highlights in U.S. politics, Iowa politics and cultural news.

Iowa GOP Establishment Loves Jeb Bush

If you just heard from establishment Republicans you’d hear how everybody loves…

Iowa Homeless Memorial – A Candlelight Vigil at the Capitol

December 21 a candlelight vigil, remembering those who have died homeless in Iowa, will be held at 5:30p on the West Capitol Terrace at the State Capitol.

Ames Straw Poll: Should It Stay or Should It Go?

The future of the Ames Straw Poll as an event leading up to the Iowa Caucus is in doubt. Can it be a worthwhile event for candidates and voters still?

Let Local School Boards Decide School Start Dates

The Iowa Department of Education says it will stop granting automatic waivers to school districts seeking to start classes earlier in the summer.

Branstad Appoints Adam Gregg as Iowa State Public Defender

Gov. Terry Branstad yesterday announced that former Republican nominee for Attorney General Adam Gregg was named to lead the State Public Defender’s office.

Ketzner Rejoins Branstad Administration as Legislative Liaison

Jake Ketzner, Iowa Governor Branstad and Lt. Governor Reynold’s reelection campaign manager, rejoins Branstad’s administration as legislative liaison.