The polls in California are still open, and as of yet, there is not much news to report with o.o% of the precincts reports.

Governor 0.0% of precincts reporting

Jerry Brown (D) 0%0.00 Votes

Meg Whitman (R) 0%0.00 Votes
Senate 0.0% of precincts reporting
Barbara Boxer (D) 0%0.00 Votes

Carly Fiorina (R) 0%0.00 Votes

Optimism flooded talk radio most of the day with Hugh Hewitt reporting that Meg Whitman’s 40,000 volunteers were calling in with positive results with exit polls.  Meg stated earlier today,  that she believes her inside polls are very accurate, she is very positive about the results and that she believes the Nation needs to keep her eyes on California.

“You know what? Our internal polls and some public polls now show this to be a dead heat. And if we go into Nov. 2 in a dead heat, what happens? We win!” The results are in her supporters’ hands, she said, urging them to make sure their friends and relatives cast ballots Tuesday.   Reported

Stay tuned, the clock is about to strike 8:00 P.M. Pacific time.

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