Reeling ConservativesInteresting Gallup Poll… without former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in the race, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich are considered the leaders of the current/prospective GOP field.  Comparing those three, Frank Newport of Gallup writes that while there is no clear front-runner, Sarah Palin looks strong:

Palin, who has given no indication of whether she will run for the nomination, has very high name identification, is near the top of Republicans’ nomination preferences, and has a higher Positive Intensity Score than any other well-known candidate. Palin thus must be considered one of the GOP leaders at this point.

She leads with name recognition with 96% name ID, she only trails Mitt Romney by 2% with nomination preferences (within the margin of error), but she leads with the “positive intensity score.”   All of this without campaigning or visiting primary states, now the burning question – will she run?

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