ALTOONA – Jim Carley served two tours in Vietnam and spent more than a decade protecting our nation’s rights and liberties. The Altoona Republican says those same liberties he fought proudly to defend are under attack, which is why he says he is stepping up to serve his community, state and country once again.

Carley announced today he is seeking the Republican nomination in the new Iowa House District 30. House District 30 includes a large portion of Eastern Polk County.

“Our rights and our liberties are vanishing at an alarming rate,” Carley said. “What has always been wrong is now somehow right, and what has always been right is now somehow wrong. We must right our compass and advance in the appropriate direction.”

Carley retired as a U.S. Army Lt. Colonel as well as a branch manager for Bearing Headquarters, a regional distribution company. He is politically active within the Republican Party and as a grassroots organizer throughout the state.

The candidate is focused on several issues to help protect Iowans and help communities grow and prosper.

“We need a business climate that supports entrepreneurs and small businesses,” Carley said. “We must create a stable environment for Iowa’s business community. Businesses cannot expand in a climate of uncertainty. We must reduce corporate taxes and excessive regulations in order to encourage businesses to remain in Iowa and create jobs, encourage our young people to remain in the state and put our people back to work.

Iowa is among the 22 states that continue to support your right to work.  I believe that your ability to work when and where you want to is one of the basic principles of freedom. I believe every Iowan should have the right to choose whether or not to join a union.   I will fight to protect Iowa’s Right to Work Laws.”

Jim is married to his wife of 43 years, Kathy. They have two adult children and one granddaughter. They have been a resident of Altoona for more than 30 years.

Update: I learned that numerous people have encouraged Carley to run, including State Representative Kim Pearson (R-Pleasant Hill) who lives in the the new House District 30. While it isn’t certain, this could be an indication that she doesn’t plan to run for reelection. If she does decide to run she will have a formidable primary challenger.

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