Pleasant Hill, Iowa. – The FAMiLY LEADER announces their endorsements of nine pro-family, pro-constitutional candidates for the June 5th Iowa Republican primary.

The following new candidates have secured the endorsement of The FAMiLY LEADER because of their proven ability to lead and stand firm for constitutional, conservative pro-family principles.

  • Joan Acela:  House District 25
  • Dennis Guth:  Senate District 4
  • Jane Jech:  Senate District 36
  • Jeff Mullen:  Senate District 22

The following incumbent candidates have shown bold conservative leadership and have represented their districts well.  They have championed pro-family legislation in the Iowa House these past two years, including strong support of all pro-life legislation.  The FAMiLY LEADER believes they are clearly more qualified than their opponents and deserve this primary election endorsement and their party’s nomination.

  • Rep. Cecil Dolecheck:  House District 24
  • Rep. Joel Fry:  House District 27
  • Rep. Kevin Koester:  House District 38
  • Rep. Jarad Klein:  House District 78
  • Rep. Tom Shaw:  House District 10

The qualifications for an endorsement from The FAMiLY LEADER include the belief that society and government work best when citizens accept a high level of personal responsibility and that the only way our nation can reclaim a God-honoring culture is to defend strong families.  Other key qualifications include the protection of life from conception to natural death and the belief that marriage is a permanent, lifelong commitment between one man and one woman.  The FAMiLY LEADER also only supports candidates who believe it is the duty of parents to oversee the education of their children and that an ethical, free enterprise system is consistent with the biblical notion of stewardship.  Endorsed candidates will be expected to support and defend both the Iowa and U.S. Constitutions.

Chuck Hurley, Vice-President of The FAMiLY LEADER, said, “The FAMiLY LEADER is happy to endorse these nine candidates whose worldview is consistent with the Judeo-Christian principles that will defend and honor issues relating to the family.  We are confident these individuals will honor God with their attitude, behavior, and value system.  We will be praying diligently between now and June 5th for these bold, compassionate conservative candidates.”

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