Last night Alaska Governor Sarah Palin introduced Michael Reagan at an event in Anchorage, AK.  She took the opportunity to point out some problems with his economic policies (that’s actually putting it nicely).  She said that they “fly in the face of principles” and “defy Economics 101”.  According to the CNN Political Ticker:

In a speech introducing Michael Reagan — the son of former President Ronald Reagan — to an audience in Anchorage, Palin warned that the government is planning to "bail out debt ridden states" so it can "get in there and control the people."

"Since when can you get out of huge national debt by creating trillions of dollars of new debt?" Palin asked. "It all really is so backwards and skewed as to sound like absolute nonsense when some of this economic policy is explained."

"We need to be aware of the creation of a fearful population, and fearful lawmakers, being led to believe that big government is the answer, to bail out the private sector, because then government gets to get in there and control it," she said. "And mark my words, this is going to be next, I fear, bail out next debt-ridden states. Then government gets to get in there and control the people."

"Some in Washington would approach our economic woes in ways that absolutely defy Economics 101, and they fly in the face of principles, providing opportunity for industrious Americans to succeed or to fail on their own accord," she said. "Those principles it makes you wonder what the heck some in Washington are trying to accomplish here."

If there’s anything that Governor Palin knows (besides oil & natural gas) is fiscal discipline.  She doesn’t just talk it, but practices what she preaches.

You can listen to the audio of her remarks here or above. (HT: To the fine folks over at Conservatives 4 Palin – just can’t seem to out scoop these guys, LOL.)

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