Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is visiting New York this weekend.  Starting off in Auburn and Seneca Falls in Central New York.  She was there to celebrate Founders Day in Auburn, and to help raise money for a museum that honors William Seward (1801-1872) who was Secretary of State under President Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson.  He arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia for the price of $7.2 million dollars.

William Kates of the Associated Press reports:

More than 20,000 people turned out to see the former Republican vice presidential candidate lead a parade through downtown Auburn and sign a proclamation on the steps of City Hall honoring Seward as "the one person most responsible for Alaska." (emphasis mine)

To me, that is the news in this trip this weekend.  If you want a comprehensive breakdown on her trip, I’d encourage you to visit my friends over at Conservatives 4 Palin.

But for me this trip is further proof that she generates excitement and crowds everywhere she goes in the lower 48.

She packed out the Evansville Right to Life banquet.  Meg Stapleton, SarahPAC spokesperson, spoke with Alaska radio personality Eddie Burke about this phenomenon here and here.

I haven’t seen any other potential 2012 GOP candidate generating this kind of excitement.  What kind of crowds is Mitt Romney (who seems to be running full-time for 2012) drawing even though he’s being favored by a popular GOP “kingmaker”?

It matters not, she is the type candidate that the GOP needs.  With Friday having been the fifth anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s death, we’ve been looking for the next person who will embody his ideals.  After introducing Michael Reagan at an event in Anchorage, AK this week.  He said of Palin:

"Governor Palin would have made my father Ronald Reagan proud tonight.”

In Sarah Palin he sees his father’s ideals and principles.  Do we see that in anyone else, with her kind of record and with the star power she commands?  Not that I have seen.  2012 is a long way off yet, and it is fun to speculate.  But I can’t help but echo the sentiment of 71-year old, Norma Grant shared with Governor Palin in Seneca Falls.

“Run, please run.”

Update: A local NY blog keeping track of Governor Palin’s visit. (HT: Gateway Pundit)

Also The Lonely Conservative who lives in Central NY, had this to say about her visit.

There’s been quite a bit of local coverage of Governor Palin’s visit here. In almost every report and story I’ve come across are comments from average people saying how very normal Sarah Palin seems. That’s what appeals to so many Americans. She’s more like us and less like them (you know – those people in Washington, DC).

2nd Update: Andree McLeod who has filed a gazillion (ok, slight exaggeration) ethics complaints that led to the creation of The Alaska Fund Trust (Palin’s legal defense fund), is already digging for dirt for another ethics complaint surrounding this trip.

Also you can read a transcript of her speech at the Seward House, and some early reactions to her weekend trip to New York.

3rd (and final) Update: Conservatives 4 Palin highlights her Sunday in New York City & Long Island.  Carlos blogs about his two favorite things in one post – Sarah Palin & the New York Yankees.  Josh Painter shares more reactions to her trip where he includes yours truly.  Thanks Josh!

Also an article about her speech tonight (6/7) at a fundraiser with over a 1000 in attendance.

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