Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa 5th District) spoke with Megyn Kelly and is demanding an investigation of ACORN:

I also find it interesting that the ACORN headquarters had an Obama poster (anybody have a link with a picture. The non-profit organization I work for would not dream of having a political poster up, nor would I put one up in my office. Nuts, but that is minor compared to what these videos are turning up.

Out of curiosity, I called my Congressman, Leonard Boswell’s (D-Iowa 3rd District) Washington, D.C. office and spoke with a person named Amy.  She informed me that she wasn’t exactly sure of what his position was regarding ACORN.  She said, “the Congressman has had a lot of phone calls on this, but I’m not sure what action he will decide to take.”  Fair enough.  She said, can I have somebody get back in touch with you.  I said yes, and she proceeded to ask for my mailing address.

I guess I’ll have to wait awhile until he figures out what he believes regarding these latest problems with ACORN.

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