Just when you don’t think it can get any worse… it does.  Fox News Reports:

A fourth video by an independent filmmaker posing as a pimp along with a purported prostitute has surfaced depicting an ACORN staffer in California assisting the couple in their quest to obtain housing for their illegal sex business.

Much like in their previous undercover stings at the group’s offices in Baltimore, Washington and Brooklyn, N.Y., filmmaker James O’Keefe, 25, and his 20-year-old partner Hannah Giles, who posed as a prostitute named "Eden," were given assistance on Aug. 17 from a staffer at ACORN’s office in San Bernardino on how to avoid detection by law enforcement. The couple even tell ACORN staffer Tresa Kaelke — who admits on the videotape to previously having sex for money — that they plan on bringing in 12 girls from El Salvador to work in a home they hope to acquire via the community organization.

You can watch the video here.  We now know why the media hasn’t been reporting this because apparently they don’t know about it.  At least ABC News Anchor Charles Gibson has been clueless.  Amazing this broke five days ago.  The Senate voted to defund them in the HUD Appropriations bill and he didn’t know.  Michelle Malkin has a great new name for the MSM now, the ostrich media.

Hannah Giles explains the science behind the ACORN sting.  ACORN is also potentially illegally operating in Maryland.  The House GOP is now calling for a total cutoff of federal funds, and also called on the IRS to cut off ties with the organization.

Calling this a mighty mess might be an understatement.

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