As the war military law enforcement action on terror in Afghanistan goes on, the Obama administration decided to take on Fox News instead of the Taliban.  The opening salvo happened on Sunday as told on The Hill:

Fox News is simply "a wing of the Republican Party," a top White House aide said today.

Appearing on CNN this morning, White House Communications Director Anita Dunn said Fox News exists simply to further the agenda of the GOP.

"Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party," Dunn said.

The Hill notes she was quoted in Time doing the same last week when she said that Fox News was “opinion journalism masquerading as news.”  White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs continued their campaign today when he said, “I have watched many stories on that network that I have found not to be true.”

It seems to be a “take the attention off of ourselves and blame Fox News strategy.”  Even those who aren’t fans of Fox News say this is a stupid strategy and ultimately it will benefit Fox News.

Brit Hume weighs in:

Don Stuber makes a good point about the previous administration which the Obama administration should take note.

I do not recall Bush whiiiiiiiiiiining all the time because only 99% of the press reports about him are adulation.

Obama is in Nixonian territory. The press should call him out.

So stop being a bunch of crybabies.

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