Father Jerzy Popieluszko, a Polish Roman Catholic priest who preached Christ during as the Solidarity movement that pushed against the Polish Communist Regime said during of one his sermons:

“A man who bears witness to the truth can be free even though he might be in prison… The essential thing in the process of liberating man and the nation is to overcome fear… We fear suffering, we fear losing material good, we fear losing freedom or our work.  And then we act contrary to our consciences, thus muzzling the truth.  We can overcome fear only if we accept suffering in the name of a greater value.  If the truth becomes for us a value worthy of suffering and risk, then we shall overcome fear – the direct reason for our enslavement.

A Christian must be a sign of contradiction in the world… A Christian is one who all his life chooses between good and evil, lies and truth, love and hatred, God and Satan… Today more than ever there is a need for our light to shine, so that through us, through our deeds, through our choices, people can see the Father who is in Heaven.”

Timeless words.  Fr. Jerzy disappeared on October 19, 1984 while driving back to Warsaw.  Later that month his body was found in the Vistula River.  A martyr for Christ.

Source: God & Government by Charles Colson

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