Greta Van Susteren interviewed Todd Palin, the “First Dude of Alaska” in Wasilla, AK.  You can tell he doesn’t necessarily like the attention – a quieter guy.  Though one thing you pick up from this interview is that he is the quintessential man’s man.

  • Snow machine race champion
  • Built his own home with some friends
  • Played hockey – had to shovel and flood their own rinks.
  • Works on the North Slope of Alaska
  • Commercial Fisherman
  • Hunts Moose and Caribou

His story is compelling, but it doesn’t affect my decision one way or the other.  I am never really impacted by the spouses of the candidates.  I have to say though he is definitely unique.

If you missed the interview on Fox News you can watch all the segments below:

Part I


Part II

Part III

Will update this when the rest of the interview airs tonight.

Update: Here’s the rest.

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

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