My friend, Sara Bouska, is the managing editor for a new online magazine for twentysomethings in Des Moines, IA called Veritas Magazine. Though the primary target audience is twentysomethings in Des Moines I see value for those living outside of the Des Moines area as well with the different stories they offer.  According to the staff here is what we can expect out of Veritas Magazine:

Veritas offers Christ-centered perspectives on culture. It connects readers with local churches and challenges them to find meaning in their lives.

It just launched today and checking out the site it has a clean, readable style, compelling stories, and relevant news and information for young adults living in the Des Moines Metro area.  I’m looking forward to seeing how God will use this to expand His kingdom in Des Moines.  So check it out, and if you like what you see prayer consider supporting this new work.  Also, take some time to watch the introductory video below.

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