Sorry for doing some housekeeping, but I use Feedburner for my RSS feed.  I was told I had to move my Feedburner account to Google since Google had acquired Feedburner awhile back.  I did this say a week ago.  I was told I wouldn’t lose any subscribers, that this would be seamless.  They said my subscriber count would be off for a couple of days, but would readjust.  Ok.

My subscriber count never rebounded to where it was pre-move, and for the last three days it is telling me I have ZERO subscribers.  What?!?!  Anyway, if you are a subscriber and can are still getting my updates could you give me a shoutout via comment?  I just want to be sure that you are out there.  Thank you so much for subscribing!

If you are not a subscriber, well why not become one today?  You can subscribe here using a feedreader (Bloglines, Google Reader, etc – lots of options) or via e-mail.


Update: Checked Feedburner/Google and things seem to be back to normal.  I guess I was being slightly impatient.  It is now telling me I have subscribers and it is back to the pre-move level.

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