Ultimately the primary question that needs to be asked is when does life begin?  Every other argument really doesn’t matter in light of that question.  If life doesn’t begin at conception then abortion doesn’t matter.  If life does begin at conception then no reason can provide adequate justification for the taking of unborn life.

I’ve just heard one of the most articulate arguments for the pro-life cause from a source I wasn’t expecting – Kathy Ireland.  She was being interviewed by Mike Huckabee on his show on Fox News.  She spoke of her faith in Christ, and then Governor Huckabee asked her about her switch from being pro-choice to being pro-life.

You can watch the interview here or embedded below.  A big HT to Justin Taylor via Ray Ortlund for bringing this interview to my attention.

I don’t quite agree with her statement regarding abortion when the mother’s life is at risk.  I believe with the advance of neonatal care that argument is pretty well moot.  I appreciated her comments about how we treat those who have had abortion.

Very well done Mrs. Ireland!

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