
I love my life. I have four great kids, a wonderful husband, the best friends in the world, and the grace of Jesus. But I had made an idol out of obedient children, being super-mom, having a clean beautiful home, and other things.

And then I got knocked down, humbled. For the past year or more I have been sick. I never feel very well, I have no energy, I am in horrible pain almost all the time. I even tried to hide it for a while until I got so sick that I could not function. Trips to doctors in tears begging for help. And then every medical test known to man. Etc. Etc. Diagnosis, treatments, medications etc. etc. My children saying things like “Mommy is always so sick.” My heart broke.

But something greater happened. I learned to hold onto my treasure. My treasure is in heaven. My treasure is knowing Jesus. I realize now that to a degree I thought that I was in control. But I am not. God is.

It is not that I did not know this before. But rather I struggled with trusting in my own self to do things. It is amazing how sickness knocks you down, discourages you, depresses you, and forces you to lean on our Lord.

An eternal perspective. That is what I know now we as Christians ought to have. Living our lives for the Glory of God. Making a difference in this world for the sake of His Glory, and resting on His salvation, grace, love and sovereignty.

Update: Thanks to Family Research Council and Frog in Hot Water for the link love!

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