Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Dr. Roger Olson’s Problem with Calvinism

Brian Myers; Dr. Roger Olson of Baylor University recently made some disparaging remarks about Calvinism, but his problem isn’t really with John Calvin.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: In The Hands of An Almighty God

Brian Myers: Abraham Clark, signer of the Declaration of Independence, with pleasure entrusted his & his sons’ future into “the hands of an Almighty God.”

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: God is in Control

Brian Myers: There are indeed troubling things we hear and read about every day, but none of these things have somehow escaped Godā€™s notice.

God’s Sovereignty and Election Day

Regardless of whether Mitt Romney wins or Barack Obama wins God’s sovereignty has not changed. He is in control.

Eight Theses on God and Government

God is sovereign, no matter the outcome of the election God is in control. Sam Storm shares 8 theses on God and government that Christians should consider.

Tornado Survivors Give Thanks to the Good Lord and Good Luck. Which Is It?

Tornadoes continue to be in the news.Ā  Two headlines screamed from the…

The Original Web-ster: Jonathan Edwards on God; Pawlenty on Obama: Who is Arbitrary?

Can a decision be arbitrary without being capricious? In light of the…

Schreiner and Ware: A Proper View of God’s Majesty

One of the problems in church today is that our contemplation of…

J.C. Philpot: Behold Sovereign Grace

British Baptist Pastor and Magazine Editor, J.C. Philpot (1802-1869) wrote in his…

The LORD Reigns (Psalm 97)

97:1 The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands…

Why Are We Not Worse? Common Grace and the Depravity of Man

If we are completely, totally utterly depravedā€¦ why arenā€™t things like this…

God’s Sovereignty: Why It Took Sickness To Give me an Eternal Perspective

I love my life. I have four great kids, a wonderful husband,…

A God We Can Know

Following up on my post regarding spiritual pilgrimages, and how the emerging…

God is Sovereign

Is God truly in control or are events that take place completely…