Governor Sarah Palin found the time to be interviewed by Sean Hannity during her weekend in New York.  She didn’t reveal her future political plans, but she did have a lot to say about the stimulus package and President Obama’s handling of the economy.

Here’s the video of the entire interview:


My thoughts:

“Kind of a we told you so.”  Very true.  McCain and Palin did warn us about the economic morass we now find ourselves in.  With her stand against the stimulus, and the position that Alaska finds itself in today she is very credible when speaking on the economy.  The nation should listen.  After all it is simple common sense.

Well, when you consider that the federal government is about eleven trillion dollars in debt, and we’re borrowing more to spend more.. it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college. It defies economy practices and principles that tell ya ‘you gotta quit digging that hole when you are in that financial hole’

No doubt.  I seem to remember that from my Economics 101 class at Drake as well.

A couple of links of interest:

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