To those in Waterloo who may read this blog, I’m sorry you are represented so poorly.  Then again, you voted this clown in office.  First Representative Kerry Burt (D-Waterloo) has an OWI, then he has allegedly lied about his address and short-changed a local school $37,000.

Classy.  House Speaker Pat Murphy (D-Dubuque) evidently likes this type of class.

I support Kerry Burt. He’s been a very good legislator in his first term of the Legislature.

Are we redefining what good is?  Hey he’s a great drunk, liar and thief!  I guess that makes for an excellent legislator!

Now is not time to circle the wagons.  I’m non-partisan when it comes to stuff like this.  I said that Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC) needs to resign.   I think Senator John Ensign (R-NV) needs to resign.  I also felt that former Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) and Senator David Vitter (R-LA) needed to resign as well.  I’m pretty consistent about this.

Even if the fraud investigation turns out nothing, we still have the OWI which Dave Price of WHO-TV recently reported on.  The video is below:


Craig Robison transcribes his attempts at leniency in the video above:

1. “I better show you this, I’m a Representative”
2. “Do you want to do this?”
3. “I’m also a firefighter, is there any professional courtesy?”
4. “I actually cannot be under arrest” because he’s a state representative.
5. When asked how much he drank, Rep. Burt said, “It’s not so much what I’ve been drinking, but who I’ve been drinking with.” Rep. Burt then whispered, “The Governor.”
6. At the Ankeny jail, Rep. Burt tells officers that he can call three people to get him out, Speaker of the House Pat Murphy, Iowa Department of Public Safety Communications Director Courtney Greene and Department of Public Safety Commissioner Gene Meyer.

The simple fact is this – Representative Burt is not fit for office.  He should resign, he shouldn’t wait to be removed.  Speaker Murphy was wrong to provide support to Burt based on his prior behavior.  I’d think he’d have a higher standard for members of his caucus.  Murphy is shameless to place partisan politics before integrity. 

Representative Burt, step down and give your constituents a chance to fill your seat before the next General Assembly.  Democrats, if you care about the integrity of this office, you should be demanding this as well.

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