warning I need a lighter post after the last one.  In church today the pastor at Union Park Baptist Church, Frank Cook, shared warnings that were part of the directions he received with a gas-powered weed trimmer.

Like… “don’t use to mix paint.”   Won’t do that now that I’ve been properly warned.  Other warnings we shouldn’t need:

  • On coffee – “Caution: Coffee may be very hot” – I hope so.
  • On frozen pizza: “Warning: Do not eat frozen.”  Ok, don’t know who would want to do that.
  • On lawn mowers: “Do not use to trim bushes.”  Check.

I know there are stories behind each of those warning, but I mean really shouldn’t we expect a little common sense from people?  In the age of frivolous litigation I guess not.   I’m curious what are some warnings you’ve read on products you’ve purchased that you found strange or funny?

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