The Census Bureau is severing all ties with ACORN after problems not just in the Baltimore office, but in their Washington office as well.  All employees involved have been fired.

Fox News reports:

Two more ACORN officials were fired Friday after a second video surfaced showing staffers in the community organizers’ Washington office offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute acquire illegal home loans that would help them set up a brothel.

The firings came less than 24 hours after another pair of ACORN officials from the group’s Baltimore office were canned for instructing the "pimp" and "prostitute" how to falsify tax forms and seek illegal benefits for 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador that pair said they wanted to import to work as child prostitutes.

You can watch the video of the Washington office encounter here or below:

Why is Fox News the only ones covering this story that Big Government broke?  According to ACORN it is because they are racist.

I’m still waiting for President Obama to denounce them publically, especially since he’s been so cozy with them, and defund them completely.  They need to return any stimulus money they have received.  Won’t be holding my breath on that though.

Also, related, Robert Stacy McCain asks could James O’Keefe, the video maker, be prosecuted under Maryland law?  I sincerely hope not.

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