Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in response to the United Nations’ General Assembly giving a forum to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a hearing… took those who did not boycott the speech or leave in protest to task.

The man who called the Holocaust a lie spoke at this podium. To those who refused to come and to those who left in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries. But to those who gave this Holocaust denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere — have you no shame? Have you no decency?

The video:

HT:  Excerpts here.

No Mr. Prime Minister they really don’t, but you gave us a day at the UN that we can be proud of.  But it would seem that the United Nations would rather entertain despots.

That isn’t to say Israel is perfect, for sure it is not, but I wonder how many of these nations who stayed to listen to the mad man from Tehran spout his hate deal with an ongoing threat of rocket attacks and suicide bombers?  I would guess they would likely be less critical.  Let’s face it the U.N. has been impotent in stopping any kind of genocide, so why not give time to a Holocaust denier?

They don’t seem to understand the tension the Israel people must feel with potentially nuclear-armed Iran, especially one led by those who deny the Holocaust and can do in one day with an atomic weapon what it took Hitler years to do.

President Obama says that Iran must “come clean” with their nuclear program or face sanctions after a report of a second facility in Iran was disclosed.  He went on to say…

Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow, International law is not an empty promise.

Not an empty promise?  Where in history can President Obama back that claim up?  The one constant that the United Nations has shown in their 64 years of existence is that (with the exception of the Korean War) they have no backbone.  Even in the security council resolution it is unlikely there will be any bite, I mean look at China.

China said it hoped the IAEA would deal with the issue in accordance with its mandate and called for negotiation with Iran, rather than punishment. He Yafei, China’s vice minister for foreign affairs, told reporters in response to a question, "You talk about punishment, and personally I don’t like the word ‘punishment,’ and I think all issues can only be solved through dialogue and negotiation."

They really don’t have any shame.

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