But the National Republican Congressional Committee is saying just the opposite.  Politico reports:

Two party officials tell POLITICO that the NRCC will continue to air TV ads propping up Scozzafava in the days leading up to the Nov. 3 contest and plans to keep up a near relentless barrage of press releases slamming Hoffman.

Scozzafava, a state assemblywoman who supports gay marriage, abortion rights and has a close relationship with leading labor officials in her region, has been the target of sustained criticism from conservatives who claim she is too liberal for them to support her candidacy.

Listen, conservatives are not just backing Doug Hoffman because Dede Scozzafava is moderate.  Itā€™s because she is liberal, there is nothing about this candidate that is Republican, let alone conservative.. I mean Daily Kos is backing her, that should tell you something.

But keep throwing money to her and keep slamming the true conservative in the race.  Thatā€™s the way to ā€œrebuild the party.ā€  If you wonder why 73% of GOP voters say Congressional Republicans have lost touch with the base, well this is a good example why they feel that way.

I wasnā€™t planning on blogging on this today, but the Politico piece riled me enough that I couldnā€™t resist.  Also, read Doug Hoffmanā€™s editorial in the New York Post.  Itā€™s a must read.

Update: Newt Gingrich tries to justify why he sold out on Fox News this morning:

Gingrich is being disingenuous on how she was chosen, and she is not a reflection of the district.  And he talks about conservatives interjecting themselves into a local raceā€¦ isnā€™t that what he is doing?  Isnā€™t that what the NRCC is doing?  They could have stayed out of it, and then let the people of NY 23 decide.  If Hoffman was truly as unpopular among Republicans as Gingrich states, he wouldnā€™t even have the support he current has locally.  If Scozzafava was truly as ā€œconservativeā€ as he states, she wouldnā€™t enjoy the Daily Kos endorsement which I notice he conveniently doesnā€™t mention.

HT: Conservatives 4 Palin

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