It would seem that Newt Gingrich’s, the Republican National Committee’s, and the National Republican Congressional Committee’s decision to throw their weight behind Dede Scozzafava, the liberal Republican candidate for New York’s 23rd Congressional District’s seat, over conservative Doug Hoffman is one that I would think they’d regret.  Not so.  In fact Newt Gingrich is doubling down saying that it is time for the practical choice:

Through my experience as Speaker of the House and building a Republican majority in 1994, I have learned that if America wants a conservative majority in Washington, parts of that majority are going to disagree. I was elected Speaker because a number of moderates voted for me. They gave us control of the House for the first time in forty years, allowing us to balance the federal budget, cut taxes and reform welfare for America.

My endorsement of Dede Scozzafava in the special election for New York’s 23rd Congressional District is a means of regaining a conservative majority in America.

Although some of her values do not match my own, Scozzafava will help us in our efforts to win back Congress. She has signed the no-tax-increase pledge from the Americans from Tax Reform, she has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, she opposes cap-and-trade and energy tax increases, she is against Obama Care, and she has said she will vote against Nancy Pelosi and in favor of John Boehner as Speaker of the House.

Let me key in on the words… “she has said.”  How has she voted?  As a liberal.  Doug Hoffman though is the real deal, and one whom he should be backing.  He may not have an “R” by his name, but I would think he’d be more inclined to vote with Republicans on fiscal and social issues than Scozzafava.  Scozzafava is another Arlen Specter waiting to happen.

How’s her fundraising efforts going?  Doug Hoffman has raised $210,000 in the last seven days.  Scozzafava is no where near that.  Her candidacy is sinking.  It’s time for the RNC and NRCC to ask for their money back, and get behind the right candidate.  This campaign is in trouble when it feels like it has to call the cops on a journalist, and then is exposed lying about it.

Newt, how do you love the visibility you are getting now?  And so the pile-on begins.  I’ll join National Review, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner, RedState,, and Red County (among many others I’m sure) to say it’s time for Scozzafava to exit left.

To top it off, it looks as though Hoffman may get an endorsement that will absolutely make his day.  Newt, RNC, NRCC… abandon ship!

Update: What a photo op! Why would you hold a photo op outside your opponent’s campaign office?  LOL… brilliant!

HT: Death By a Thousand Paper Cuts via All American Blogger

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