Honestly, I think that is probably the term I dislike the most when referring to politics.  For me it rates right up there with the term common ground.  I’m not sure how you feel, but to me it seems that a lot of times we could just translate these words as “compromise”.  Last year, during the presidential elections, I have to admit I was less than excited with the choice for a “conservative” candidate that was being presented. 

Of course, on theological grounds, there are many times when I am going to have issues with candidates however, if a candidate is a TRUE conservative (both fiscally AND socially), I can certainly overlook theological differences.  I know that there were many like me who only got excited about our “conservative” choice for the 2008 presidential election once a true conservative, Sarah Palin, was added to the Republican ticket.  I was excited, I thought, “Hey, maybe some of the high ‘muckety-mucks’ in the Republican Party are finally starting to get people like me!”

Maybe they finally understand that I am not asking for all Republicans to think and live like me, but we need to agree on the basics.  I want them to fight for my freedom to continue to live with freedom and liberty.  I expect them to understand that I want to have complete freedom in how to raise and educate my children.  I also expect them to block any measures that come across their path that use my family’s hard earned income to fund abortions.  I want to be able to trust that they will be wise stewards of the money that God allows to come their way and to honestly examine where each and every dollar is going, just as we all do in our own homes.  I expect them to do right by the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve their fellow Americans.  There are a myriad of other things that could be listed, but lastly…  I expect them to take seriously their oath that they make to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”

These are things which seem to me to have been lacking in the people representing us, or at least they have not been very vocal and visible about it.  I have to say though, that upon watching the rally yesterday in Washington D.C. in front of the Capitol (or as Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) termed it the “House Call”) my hope that they are listening to us is somewhat restored!

So many times we are told that our Republican representatives are fighting for our concerns, but we don’t actually see THEM being vocal about it.  There were many yesterday who were loud and clear and it did my heart good!  I am sure that I don’t line up 100% theologically with each of those that spoke, but obviously we can agree on the basic issues.  And basic seems to be the optimal word here, we need to get back to basics… you don’t have to try so hard to have such a big tent when you get back to basics.

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