Well we are getting a peak at how much Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s health care bill will cost taxpayers.

$1.2 Trillion – $1,200,000,000,000

Well it’s got to have a big price tag as big as the bill is – 1900 pagesAP reports:

The health care bill headed for a vote in the House this week costs $1.2 trillion or more over a decade, according to numerous Democratic officials and figures contained in an analysis by congressional budget experts, far higher than the $900 billion cited by President Barack Obama as a price tag for his reform plan.

While the Congressional Budget Office has put the cost of expanding coverage in the legislation at roughly $1 trillion, Democrats added billions more on higher spending for public health, a reinsurance program to hold down retiree health costs, payments for preventive services and more.

Many of the additions are designed to improve benefits or ease access to coverage in government programs. The officials who provided overall cost estimates did so on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss them.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has referred repeatedly to the bill’s net cost of $894 billion over a decade for coverage.

But yet this won’t add one dime to the deficit.  Are you laughing (or crying) yet?  I am.  Liberals are doing what they do best – spend.  What a nightmare.  Not only will this bill provide for abortion.  It also blows up the size of government that makes expansions under the Bush Administration look small.

Compare that with the House Republican proposal, and the size of the draft of that bill?  230 pages, but I doubt that Democrats would read that one either.  Just hurry up and vote!

We need to melt the phones on Capitol Hill.

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