The chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party, Michael Kiernan, reported by Jason Hancock of The Iowa Independent, decided to use my post on former Governor Terry Branstad to go after the former Governor:

It didn’t take long for Iowa Democrats to get in the mix.

Conservative blogger Shane Vander Hart posted audio from the meeting he attended and Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Michael Kiernan honed in on one exchange in particular. When asked by former Des Moines School Board member Jonathan Narcisse about whether he had a specific plan prepared on how to fix or repair state government, Branstad replied “OK, well I don’t.”

Branstad pointed the Committee on Government Spending Reforms, which he established in 1991 in response to a projected $300 million budget deficit in fiscal year 1993. The commission identified nearly $400 million in spending cuts, although both Branstad and legislators disagreed with and ultimately ignored many of the group’s recommendations.

“Now we have to go further,” he said.

Branstad proposed creating another commission made up of Republicans and Democrats, as well as representatives from the private and public sector, to look at reforming state and local government.

Kiernan said that rather than confronting Iowa’s problems, Branstad “created commissions to avoid making tough decisions.”

While I’m certainly not thrilled about Governor Branstad’s candidacy; Michael Kiernan talking about state government reform is pretty laughable.  Don’t forget who created the current budget problems as they stand:  Governor Culver and Legislative Democrats  And, as far as reform goes, Mr. Kiernan, start within your own party.

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