Matt Schultz, a Council Bluffs councilman who is running for Secretary of State in Iowa picked up a couple of legislative endorsements.

His campaign announced today:

Councilman Matt Schultz today released his first legislative endorsements to the media.

Councilman Schultz has spent the last several months building a campaign team that includes a number of Iowa legislators.

“I am excited about all of the interest and support we have received and I am proud to announce our campaign’s first round of legislative endorsements coming from Former Speaker of the House Brent Siegrist, Representative Doug Struyk and Representative Greg Forristall.” said Schultz.

“Matt is a strong conservative voice for fiscal responsibility and business in Council Bluffs, and I know that he will serve the people of Iowa and be a strong voice for Iowa jobs and business as our Secretary of State,” said Representative Doug Struyk.

Over the next eight weeks Councilman Schultz will be continuing to announce the rest of his campaign team as he travels around the State bringing his message of accountability in elections and standing up for Iowa jobs and business.

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