I was preparing this afternoon for a radio interview that I will be doing this Tuesday at 9:00am (CST) on Des Moines Local Live with Mac McCoy and company.  We are going to be discussing homeschooling in Iowa, and my involvement in this discussion is due in part to the blog post I wrote awhile ago regarding as a rebuttal to an article that appeared in The Des Moines Register (no longer online) that asked ā€œshould Iowa pay millions for home schools?ā€  Stacy Hupps of The Des Moines Register (author of that article) will also be on the show, so it should be a good discussion.

Anyway I discovered the video below that I thought Iā€™d share with youā€¦ it explains why my wife and I home school.

HT: Kristenā€™s Two Cents

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