Karen Schroeder is President of Advocates for Academic Freedom, a member of the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board, has a Master’s Degree in Special Education, an experienced public school teacher, and an educational consultant.
Common Core and Progressive Domination of Math Instruction Equals Mathematic Illiteracy
A century of progressive domination of the American educational system has resulted in a growing number of Americans remaining mathematically illiterate.
How Federal Assessment Programs Wreak Havoc on Education
The value of effective teaching assessments is being undercut by the problems created by an overbearing federal involvement defining teacher accountability.
Islam Instruction an Opportunity for Conservatives
With the guidance of citizens, our children can again learn the historical significance of our Constitutional Republic shaped by Judeo-Christian principles.
Federal programs are failing the teaching profession once again using a bull dozer to solve a small problem with the constraints that tenure put on firing some teachers.
Obama Administration Seeks to Federalize Teacher Preparation
If the Obama administration successfully federalizes teacher-prep programs, competition based on achievement will be removed from the educational system.
We must commit time and energy to their demand that federal dollars spent on education be reallocated to the state & local control of schools be reinstated.