image Esther is a 9-year-old girl living in Rwanda and is our Compassion Child of the month.   Shei s part of Compassion International’s Mukingi Student Center.  She lives with her father and her mother. At home, duties include carrying water and gathering firewood. Her father is sometimes employed as a farmer and her mother is sometimes employed as a farmer. There are 11 children in the family.

For fun, Esther enjoys jumping rope, playing ball games and playing group games. She attends church activities regularly and is in primary school where her performance is average.

Please remember Esther in your prayers. Your love and support will help her to receive the assistance she needs to grow and develop.

This child lives in an AIDS affected area. In Africa, the disease has impacted the entire continent, creating a generation of orphans and vulnerable children. God can use you to help ease the pain of a child in desperate need.

You can learn more about Esther here.  You can sponsor Esther for as little as $38/month here.  You can learn more about other children you need sponsors like you here.

** Compassion International has not asked us to do this, but this is a new feature that Shane has considered doing for quite some time.  For privacy sake we are not including pictures of the children we feature.

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