image Michael Patton at Reclaiming the Mind’s Parchment and Pen Blog shared the evidence of the resurrection in a couple of posts.  I wanted to share the outline, but encourage you to go read the posts in detail.

First he gives internal evidence – which he defines as “evidence coming from within the primary witness documents, the New Testament.  He includes in that list:

  • Honesty
  • Irrelevant Details
  • Harmony
  • Public Extraordinary Claims
  • Lack of Motivation for Fabrication

Then he lists the external evidence defined as, “Collaborative evidence coming from outside the primary witness documents.”

  • Preservation of the Documents
  • Archeology
  • Extra-biblical Attestation
  • Survival in a Hostile Environment

Be sure you read both posts.  Good stuff!

Update: Also see how the Apostles’ Deaths give evidence to Easter.

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