Jim_Gibbons From Concerned Women PAC:

Washington, D.C. – Concerned Women Political Action Committee (CWPAC) has announced its endorsement of conservative Jim Gibbons in his campaign for Congress in Iowa’s 3rd District.

Concerned Women PAC, established in 2002 by founder and Chairman Beverly LaHaye, is affiliated with Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with more than 500,000 grassroots members nationwide.

Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District is currently held by Leonard L. Boswell, who was first elected to the seat in 1996. Rep. Boswell recently voted for government take over of health care while refusing to vote in favor an amendment that would have prohibited abortion coverage. Mr. Boswell also voted in favor of so-called “hate crimes” and the bailouts passed by Congress. Overall, Congressman Boswell has voted against the Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee position eighty-one times out of one hundred twenty-nine votes tracked. 

Jim Gibbons is a husband, father, businessman, and former wrestling coach at Iowa State. For nearly two decades, he has worked in the financial services industry in Des Moines, most recently as a Vice President with Wells Fargo. Jim and Anne Gibbons have been married for 21 years and have three children.

“Jim Gibbons is pro-life, pro-family and a fiscal conservative” says Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women PAC. “With his business background and commitment to conservative values, Jim is exactly the kind of man we want in Congress.”

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